The Commission on Elections (Comelec)ruled yesterday that theextension of the registration of voters for the Oct. 29, 2007 fromJuly 24 to 31 for the Barangay polls, and from July 28 and 29as well as from Aug. 4 and 5, 2007 for SK elections after the originaleight-day registration period for both political exercises whichexpired last Sunday, July 22, was legal.
The Comelec, led by Chairman Benjamin S. Abalos Sr., defended the extension of registration period after a group of prominent electionlawyers and leaders of non-government organizations (NGOs) expresseddoubt on its legality because as stated in Section 8 of Rep. Act 8189or The Voters Registration Act of 1996 "no registration shall beconducted during the period starting 120 days before a regularelection and 90 days before a special election." The group, which includes lawyers Francisco B. Sibayan, Yasser B.Lumbos, Cristeto J. Limbaco, Ernesto Verdejo, Blo Umpar Adiong andCPA-lawyer Godofredo V. Arquiza said RA 8189 applies to votersregistration because it is a special law and not Rep. Acts 6646 and8436 which are general laws. But the Comelec said it authorized the extension in response to a public clamor and pursuant to its sincere efforts to carry out its constitutional and statutory mandate to effectively and efficiently conduct the registration of voters for thepurpose of ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credibleelections.The Comelec said that Sec. 29 of RA 6646 as reiterated in Sec. 28 ofRA 8434 reads: "Designation of Other Dates for Certain Pre-electionActs. — If it shall no longer be reasonably possible to observe the periods and dates prescribed by law for certain pre-election acts,the Commission shall fix other periods and dates in order to ensureaccomplishment of the activities so voters shall not be deprived oftheir rights of suffrage."
Abalos said that for the purpose of extended registration, fieldoffices of the Comelec have been authorized to render overtime of twohours during weekdays and eight hours during Saturdays and Sundays,from July 24 to Aug. 12, 2007. He said if the application form of anapplicant who fails to submit himself for the live capture of hisbiometrics data for cause attributable to his own fault shall bedeemed incomplete and not filed. "As such, the application shall bedisapproved for failure to complete the requirements, " he said.The election officers and their assistants are authorized toaccomplish the data capture not later than Aug. 12, 2007, he said."If the biometrics data capture cannot be accomplished within the saidperiod without fault on the part of the applicant, the applicationshall be considered for action of the Election Registration Board,"Abalos said. Regarding the registration for SK polls, the Comelec said it shall beconducted from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the registration filing centershall be established in the barangay hall or, public school or otherpublic building centrally located within the barangay as may bedetermined by the EO. The Comelec decided to extend the registrationperiod for SK polls only on weekends as most of those registeringare students.